Driver power state failure error 0x0000009F will occur as a result of incompatible driver installation. This error will show off a blue screen death error. In most of the cases, the error occurs due to placing your operating system to sleep mode. You can fix the error by making changes in power … [Read more...] about How to Fix Driver Power State failure on Windows 10 [Error 0x0000009F]?
How to Recover Deleted Files on Windows 10?
Working with the files on any kind of computer can pose difficulties. Why does it happen so? When you work with the files or any type of documentation, you should always find the best ways to back up the information. There are frequent cases when the system fails to save the document, and you find … [Read more...] about How to Recover Deleted Files on Windows 10?
Getting Stuck on “Preparing to Configure Windows”? Here is How to Fix it?
Sometimes when you turn on your system or laptop, you are familiar with a message “preparing to configure Windows”, please do not turn off your computer. This message is nothing but your system is running its normal necessary updates and it will take more than half an hour. However, in some of the … [Read more...] about Getting Stuck on “Preparing to Configure Windows”? Here is How to Fix it?
How to Fix D3dx9_43.dll Missing or Not Found Error on Windows?
Many a time you might see the Windows O.S throw in DLL errors at you when you are using or trying to install a media or a graphics software. This is because a DLL file is missing in the Directx software which is an in-built program inside the Windows O.S. When you see an error that says d3dx9_43.dll … [Read more...] about How to Fix D3dx9_43.dll Missing or Not Found Error on Windows?
Have you ever encountered any error related to DNS? Any error code which shows the DNS issue is related to network connectivity. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG is also an error related to DNS and this is a very common error for all versions of Windows so Windows 10 is not an exception. What … [Read more...] about [Fix] DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Error | Easily |