.NET Framework 3.5 Installation Error Code 0x800F081F is the most common error code one face during the installation of .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows. Various users reported the following error messages when encountered this error.
Error: 0x800F081F
The source files could not be found.
Error: 0x800F0906
The source files could not be downloaded.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet and click “Retry” to try again.
We have come with easy solutions, with which you can easily solve the error code. Keep reading the blog to find out more on what’s the exact cause of error code and how you can resolve the issue.
Why the .NET Framework 3.5 Installation Error Code 0x800F081F occurs?
Incompatibilities of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 cause all the error codes like 0x800F081F and 0x800F0906. These two error codes appear when someone tries to enable the .NET Framework using either the installation wizard, the DISM tool or Windows PowerShell command.
Apart from the error code 0x800F081F, the users faced some other error codes due to this issue such as error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F0907, and 0x800F0922. If you are also facing any one of these error codes, you can fix them by using the following methods:
Where you will see these error codes?
Error code 0x800F081F and 0x800F0906 will be seen only on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server version 1709, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012.
All these operating systems run the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on “Feature in demand” i.e. It is not enabled by default. Once the feature is turned on the Windows updates tries to grab .Net binaries along with other important files. If the operating system is not correctly configured its obvious to see the error codes on the display.
Resolve the .NET Framework 3.5 Installation Error Code 0x800F081F
NOTE: Apply the below methods only when if you face the .NET Framework 3.5 Installation Error Code 0x800F081F, after enabling the .NET Framework 3.5 from Windows features.
Try to configure group policy
.NET Framework 3.5 Installation Error Code may occur because the component settings in group policy are disabled. Try to enable it to resolve the issue.
- Open the Run box by pressing Windows key+R key altogether and type “gpedit.msc” and press OK.
- Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System
- Once the System window opens double click on the “Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair“.
- Select Enabled and click on the OK button.
- Restart the computer to save the changes and try installing .NET Framework 3.5 feature.
Install .NET Framework 3.5 feature through DSIM
The error code 0x800F081F may also occur if the .NET Framework 3.5 feature is not enabled in the system. Through DSIM command one can enable the feature.
NOTE: Ensure the availability of installation media or an ISO image for the respective Windows version you have with you before performing this method.
- Search for “cmd” in the search box of Start Menu.
- Right-click on the command prompt and run it as administrator.
- Once the command prompt window opens type “Dism /online /enable-feature/featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:<DRIVE>:\sources\sxsLimitAccess” and press Enter.
(Note that in the place of <DRIVE> the user has to replace the drive letter for the installation)
- Once the process is completed try installing .NET Framework 3.5 feature and check the error is gone or not.
Uninstall the .NET Framework 4.7 and reinstall it with .NET Framework 3.5
- Open the settings and go to the Apps section.
- You will be landed on the Apps and Features window. Here, Click on “Program and Features”.
- Once the window opens, click on “Turn Windows feature on or off” feature in the left pane.
- Finally, click on the .NET Framework 3.5(include .NET 2.0 and 3.0) feature and click on OK to save the changes.
- Restart the computer and recheck the error code 0x800F081F has resolved or not.
Install .NET Framework 3.5 from Windows Powershell
- Search Windows Powershell in the Start Menu. And then in the search results, right-click on Windows Powershell and select to “Run as administrator”.
- In the Powershell window type the following command “Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature –Online –FeatureName “NetFx3” –Source <DRIVE>:\sources\sxs -LimitAccess” and press Enter. (Remember to replace the <DRIVE> with the drive letter where you want to install)
- Once the process gets complete restart the computer and install the .NET Framework 3.5 feature once again.
That’s all we are assured that you have successfully fixed the error code 0x800F081F. Please leave a comment in the comment box or give us like and share our blog in your circle and be the first to spread the word about our tutorial. Follow us on the Facebook page or stay tuned to our website to catch some new tutorials in the future.
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